This site (all written contents) (except pages with icon in the title line or under the directory of external
) is authored by Zixuan Song (the owner of the site).
This site is built with mkdocs and mkdocs material UI.
This site (marksong.tech and every single subdirectory of the site except the page named Admin Zone
) follows Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.[1]
This license represents that all copy and redistribution should give appropriate to the site owner and the content may not be used for commercial use unless otherwise authorized by the site owner.
Any access to the page named Admin Zone
and its subdirectories without the site owner ([email protected])'s formal approval is prohibited.
If you require authorization for extend rights, including using the content of this site for commercial uses, please email the site owner.
Privacy notice of this site (marksong.tech) and Tsinglan Wifi (an iOS and WatchOS app) can be found at https://marksong.tech/pp/.
In case any of the content shown on this site violates any of your rights, please email the site owner.
[1]:This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License